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Orange gift bag with bow on a table.

How to properly close a gift bag like a pro in 30 seconds

Hint: You’ve been doing it all wrong.


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There are some life hacks that are tacky. Then there are those that make you wonder how you’ve lived all these years without knowing them.

If you’re wondering how to properly close a gift bag, we’ll show you two ways. One of them may just become your favorite gifting hack.

For those looking for a unique gift bag presentation, see our non-paper gift bag recommendations.

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How to properly close a gift bag: the pro method

This is the “life hack” version and the one we recommend because you’ll be using the bag’s own ribbon or string and will be done in less than 30 seconds. No tape required and the bag can be reused as many times as you, or your gift recipient, would like.

Gift bags typically have two handles that are made of strings or ribbon. One ribbon or string for each side of the bag, with each end poking into the side of the bag through a hole. You may notice that there is a piece of plastic or a thicker piece of string at the ends to prevent them from coming out the holes accidentally.

To properly close your gift bag, first make sure your gift and any tissue or wrapping paper is inside. You will be able to open the bag again if needed, but it will save you steps if the gift is ready to go before closing the bag.

  1. Grab the end of one string and push it through the hole on the opposite side of the bag where you can see the end of the other string.
  2. Do the same with the three remaining string ends.
  3. Pull up the handles. This will close the gift bag. Done!
  4. (Optional) If you like the look of a bow, you can still tie a bow or ribbon to the handles. If you want to get really fancy, bring another string through the holes to create a bow that again ties the bag together. See our top picture for an example.

How to properly close a gift bag using a sticker

There is no “life hack” to this method. You simply bring the two sides of the gift bag together and seal them with a sticker. This can be a great method if your bag does not have ribbon or string handles that are easy to manipulate OR you have a lovely sticker you want to use.

  1. Bring the top edges of the gift bag together.
  2. Place a sticker to seal the connection. You can use one sticker in the middle or several along the edge if you would prefer.
Demonstration of how to seal a gift bag using a sticker
You can seal a gift bag by using a sticker.

Highly rated traditional gift bag options

How do you close a cellophane gift bag?

All of this advice on how to properly close a gift bag is great, unless, that is, the bag is made of cellophane and has no strings to begin with. Here are three ways to close a cellophane gift bag. Each has its own advantages and it may boil down to the shape of what’s packed inside.

Method 1: Wrap a ribbon

If the contents are irregularly shaped, round, or bulky, just squeeze the neck and wrap a ribbon around it to keep the contents inside. If you want to make sure it holds in place, you can use a miller’s knot (also known as a sack knot).

Method 2: Use a sticker

If you are packing flat items such as gift cards, money, tickets, etc., simply tuck them neatly into the cellophane gift bag, fold the bag about ¾” (about 2 cm) from the top, and seal it with a fun sticker.

Method 3: Puncture holes

Perhaps the most laborious of the three methods, puncturing holes essentially helps you make room for handles you can attach. This might be ideal for bags on the larger side.

Cellophane gift bag options - for the small and large

What are other gift bag options?

Maybe you don’t have a bag with ribbon handles or are looking for something unique. Here are some other ways to wrap your present in a festive and secure way. We love the idea of a cloth bag since it can be reused and cuts down on waste. Cloth bags are perfect for storing shoes, organizing socks and underwear while on a trip, or storing small items.

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The wrap up

Closing a bag isn’t exactly rocket science but there is a way to do it properly without scissors or tape. The trick is to take the ends of the gift bag’s handles and connect them with the other side of the bag by pushing them through the hole. This will collapse the opening of the gift bag and properly close the gift bag.

Looking from above on two girls holding a wrapped present on a table.


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